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Better Health Without Giving Up Dessert

Jul 26, 2024

Two steps you can take to improve your health over the holidays are:

  1. Make sure everything you buy and eat is organic.
  2. Make it a point to be grateful all day, not just before eating.

The beauty in the traditional Thanksgiving meal is that it’s made up of primarily whole foods that we enjoy physically, mentally and emotionally.  It’s full of taste, smell and satiety, that mark a ritual of good feelings with family and friends, with a dash (or more) of opportunity for personal growth :-)

When you make sure it’s organic, you take it one step further to vote for a chemical and GMO free world, which is not only great for your health, because you won’t be consuming all those cancer causing and endocrine disrupting health depleting chemicals, but you’re also giving a gift of health to future generations.

Then spend the day being grateful for everything you can think of: the fact that you woke up and have a healthy enough body to get out of bed, you have clothes to wear, teeth to brush, food to cook, people to love, etc…  because, gratitude is incredibly good for your health.

At the University of California, Berkeley, scientists are finding that people who practice gratitude  consistently report a host of benefits:

  • Stronger Immune System and lower blood pressure;
  • Higher levels of positive emotions;
  • More joy, optimism and happiness;
  • Acting with more generosity and compassion;
  • Feeling less lonely and isolated.

With Love and Gratitude,  Happy Thanksgiving.

Victoria Sol